Northwood Presbyterian Church
We seek to know Christ and to make Him known as we grow in Faith, Hope and Love

Northwood has been blessed with strong and faithful leaders to become a fellowship that leaves its mark upon the hearts of all who have experienced the care and support of this
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20

The Northwood fellowship seeks to serve Jesus' "flock" by providing activities in
Christian growth for its worshipping community. Needless to say, we love to eat! But worship, fellowship and mission to others are three key principles that guide our our coming together and our reaching out. Whether we are participating in the joyous praise of the Lord during worship services, learning together during a time of Christian Education, partaking of God's abundance by sharing a meal, playing a game, or meeting to discuss current issues of social justice, we know we are called to be brothers and sisters to those in need; and thus, minister to each other in response to our Savior's command to love one and other.