Northwood Presbyterian Church
We seek to know Christ and to make Him known as we grow in Faith, Hope and Love
You’re always welcome!
In case you’d be more comfortable knowing more about our
customary practices, here’s some information...
Where to Park?
Traveling east on University Blvd. W. the church will be on your right. A lot is accessible on either side of the church and the sanctuary can be entered from either lot.
What Time is Worship?
The ushers are available to greet you at 9:45.
What To Wear?
Whatever you’re comfortable wearing!
Some people wear their “Sunday best,” but others dress casually.

Is Childcare Provided?
Nursery care is available from 9:45 to 11:30 each Sunday morning for infants, through age two in a welcoming, safe, clean environment. The children are cared for by screened, paid workers and your child will receive safe and consistent care from familiar faces.

What Is Worship Like?
The congregation is involved in worship in a variety of ways through praise, song, readings, and prayer. In the printed Order of Worship the congregational parts are printed in bold type. When we recite the Lord’s Prayer we say “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” Individuals of all ages serve as liturgists in leading portions of the service and the reading of scripture. Our choir usually sings a prepared anthem and several responses and leads the congregation in the singing of hymns.
There is usually a special time in the service that we set aside for shared prayer. This is very precious to us. Individuals have an opportunity to openly share their joys, raise their concerns, and lift in prayer people or situations that could use a little or a lot of help from God.
The Reformed tradition has four movements in its worship order. The first movement, Gathering Around the Word, begins with a Call to Worship, a Prayer of Praise, a Liturgy of Reconciliation, an Opening Hymn and an affirmation of God's peace. The second, Hearing the Word, is a shift toward listening for God's Word to us through scripture and proclamation in music, song, and prayer. Third, Responding to the Word, is the movement of ourselves toward God in the offering of our gifts and our lives in service. We end with the rituals of Sending the Word Back into the World that include a closing hymn, words of encouragement, and the blessing of the God who loves us.
Are Children Welcome in Worship?
Children are always welcome! We love their laughter, their energy, even their wiggles and their crying. It reminds us that we are the family of God. During the first portion of our service, children usually stay beside family, or sometimes with friends. About 20 minutes into the worship service a Children's Meditation with the Pastor follows the reading of scripture and a choral anthem (about 20 minutes into the service). They sit on the steps with Rev. Maggie as they listen, answer questions, or join in a conversation. After a prayer with Rev. Maggie, children have the option of exiting the sanctuary for an “enrichment” time that lasts until worship is over.
What Sacraments Do We Celebrate?
In the Reformed tradition the two sacraments celebrated are those in which Jesus participated, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, also known as Communion.The sacrament of Baptism is available to children and adults of any age who have not previously received the sacrament in another Christian church. Baptisms are approved by the Session and administered in a setting of worship at a time set by the pastor and the individual or family.
The sacrament of Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month, also on Maundy Thursday, and occasionally more frequently as approved by the Session. The bread and cup are offered to all who declare in their hearts a desire to trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is our prayer that you come recognizing communion as the holy feast that it is.