Northwood Presbyterian Church
We seek to know Christ and to make Him known as we grow in Faith, Hope and Love

Early Beginnings
7.9 Acres of land, known as the Bob Snure property was purchased in April 1958. Attached to the property was a house where the first worship service was held on September 21, 1958 and Northwood United Presbyterian Church was formally organized on November 23, 1958. At the first official Session meeting of Northwood Church, also in November 1958, the policy of accepting all applicants for membership without regard to race, color or ethnic background was accepted and approved without question or argument. On July 17, 1960 the laying of the cornerstone of Northwood Church's new chapel took place. In September 1963 worship services were discontinued for safety reasons in what was called "The Kirk House" (old Snure Home).
The occupancy of the new chapel, the growth and development of the church and its program, and the evidence of spiritual life and devotion in every phase of our life and work signified a commitment to living out the mission statement of "Knowing Christ and Making Him Known." In 1966 an education building addition was completed in 100 days and began operation with church school classes. Northwood Church began its service to the surrounding community by providing a meeting place for various groups. From the scouting programs that first found meeting space in our building to theongoing program of the Northwood Presbyterian Child Care Center, the church continues to provide space for meetings of community organizations.

Mission, Service and Outreach
Northwood members have always had a strong commitment to carry out Christ's Great commission to His people
In response to a deepening drought in Africa in 1974, Northwood participated in a unique project. The purchase of well-digging equipment in Ethiopia,where an estimated 200,000 people had died of malnutrition and starvation. That same year, Northwood began its long committment to help people who are undernourished and/or starving. A Hunger Project, and sponsorship of a needy American family a
The practice of asking for congregational concerns and prayer needs was instituted during this decade. This practice has been a mainstay of our worship experience on every Sunday except when communion is celebrated.
In 1975 Northwood's first Vietnamese refugee family arrived. Two years later a second famiy arrived under the church's sponsorship.
The Frost School and Counseling Center was started at Northwood in February of 1976. This was an independent organization designed to help children with certain types of learning problems. The congregation's awareness was raised concerning a need to educate students with special needs. Frost School was the precursor of The Pathways School which became a major mission almost ten years later.
A special children's time was introduced in 1978 and has continued for forty years.
A new organization, "The Fellowship and Prayer Group" begins to pray weekly for members and friends of Northwood and to meditate about their concerns.
1982: Northwood Church embarks on its largest-ever mission project: to provide assistance and support to adolescents with emotional and learning disabilities; The Pathways Schools continue to serve those students in several sites throughout Montgomery, Anne Arundel and Prince George's Counties and the District of Columbia although it ceased being a mission of the church in 2014.
1988: Northwood members begin the task of turning Northwood’s Cooperative Nursery into a Child Care Center. The Center opened in 1989 and serves children of the community today between the ages of two and twelve.
Rev. Bauer, after serving as Northwood's pastor for eighteen years, submitted his resignation in May 1995. The congregation immediately began almost a three year search for a new pastor.
Throughout this decade, the church underwent several study series: "The Discovery Series"and “Covenanting for the Future” projects sought to increase our ministry effectiveness and a “Revitalization” Program worked to increase public awareness of our church and its ministries.
1993: Northwood began a mission with Inwood House, which is a residence for people with physical and developmental disabilities. Various members started the relationship by taking residents shopping on Saturdays. Northwood has maintained a relationship with Inwood House , singing carols at Christmas. presenting Thanksgiving Baskets to the needy, welcoming the residents into worship, and recently beginning a Bible Study on Wednesday nights.
2000 - 2017
Following a change in the Book of Order, Northwood elders began serving communion to Shut-ins. The program has been a rewarding spiritual service for individuals who are not able to attend worship services to receive communion.
2014: Northwood begins a sandwich ministry, providing lunch once a month to an area men's homeless shelter. A Little Free Library is installed in front of the church whereby community could take and or contribute books for pleasurable reading.
2015: We hosted the Memorial for the Lost on the front lawn of our property. Labeled t-shirts were displayed that visually represented the hundreds of people in the MD, DC and Northern VA areas who were killed by firearms. A community showing of the movie Trigger, highlighted the devastating impact of gun violence.
2017:The Session selected Reverend Margaret Hayward as a full-time Stated Supply Pastor.
She is employed on a yearly basis to assist the Session and Congregation towards,
reorganization, transition and renewal. The Northwood congregation continues to work
together to determine where God is leading us in the future.