Northwood Presbyterian Church
We seek to know Christ and to make Him known as we grow in Faith, Hope and Love
Last year the Session, under the direction of Rev. Maggie Hayward, made an intentional effort to discern the path that God desires for Northwood’s future. In this new season of Northwood’s life where are we experiencing the inspiration and energy of the Holy Spirit among us, The Session is in the process of re-framing the administration of our ministries to include others more fully in the work and worship to which God calls us. The three ministry teams of Faith, Hope and, Love were transformed into smaller groups. For now, we are calling these groups teams. The teams, primarily chaired by Session elders, will meet every month on the second Sunday of each month following worship for one hour. These Sundays will be known as “Spirit and Service Sundays.” The goal is to have every member serve as a member of one of these committees. The elected officers (the elders) will continue to meet the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Session asks for your prayers for Northwood and invites you to keep your hearts open to where you feel inspired to serve the church and your eyes open for forthcoming details about the activities and programs of these teams.
So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all of the others, we have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Romans 12:5 - 6
Our Leadership
IFor the past seven years, the Faith, Love, and Hope Ministries were the three leadership groups that made up the Session and met to coordinate and oversee the life and work of Northwood Church.The Session is the governing board of the local Presbyterian congregation and is composed of "Ruling Elders" elected by the members of the local church. Ruling Elders are seen as capable, spiritually rich leaders and their election is understood as an affirmation of God's inward call and an outward call to serve. "Ordained" to this service their ordination is for a lifetime, yet each elder is called only to serve a three-year term with the option to renew for a second term. The pastor, who is called a "Teaching Elder," is moderator of the Session. Northwood Church has nine elders on its Session. Its moderator is the Rev. Maggie Hayward. Each Session is responsible for the worship, nurture, care, and financial well-being of the church. The pastor bears primary responsibility for worship and provides guidance to the Session and the congregation, but the elders and the pastor have equal voice in the leadership of a congregation and together seek God's will for the church.

Faith Team

Buildings & Grounds

Fellowship Team