Northwood Presbyterian Church
We seek to know Christ and to make Him known as we grow in Faith, Hope and Love

10:00 A.M. In-Person Live Worship
Masks are voluntary, however if you are not fully vaccinated and boosted, indoor masking is strongly encouraged to protect both yourself and others.
10:00 A.M. Live-streamed Worship
For those not yet ready to attend in-person worship, the worship service can be viewed live-stream on Youtube at
11:15 to noon Children's Faith Formation
Sunday morning is not the only time
we worship together...
Longest Night Worship: December 21st at 7:30 P.M. A worship experience acknowledging the pain and hurt many experience during this season. We gather on this night to offer the hope that is found in the birth of the One who identifies with those who suffer.
Christmas Eve: December 24th at 7:30 P.M. a candlelight service of lessons and carols. This sacred service is family friendly and celebrates the joy and quiet wonder of the night of Jesus' birth.
Ash Wednesday: The service falls on the first Wednesday in Lent. We gather as a community to acknowledge the fallen state of humankind and our need to repent and receive forgiveness. Those who wish may receive the sign of the ashes.
Maundy Thursday: On the Thursday before Easter at 7:30 P.M. we gather to share in the Lord's supper on the night in which Jesus was betrayed.
Good Friday: On the Friday before Easter at 7:30 P.M. this worship service commemorates our Lord's death through the Service of Shadows (Tenebrae) which involves the scripture readings of Christ's passion and death and a diminishment of light in the sanctuary.
Easter Sunrise Worship: On Easter morning at 6:30 A.M. we gather outside on the church grounds for worship and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper followed by breakfast.
Easter Celebration Worship: On Easter morning at 10:00 A.M. we gather in the sanctuary to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with joyful praise and special music. You are invited to bring fresh flowers for the Flowering of the Cross.